
Sternberg Lawyer Key Note Speaker at The Sydney Russell Alumni Network Launch

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Sternberg Lawyer Key Note Speaker at The Sydney Russell Alumni Network Launch

On Thursday 27th June, Amanda Mansbridge from our Family Department was Key Note Speaker at The Sydney Russell Alumni Network Launch evening.

Amanda spoke about the fond memories she had during her years as a student at the school and the path she took to qualify as a Lawyer.

Consequently, working closely with the school, Amanda has been attending workshops to share her experiences with students. This has included providing some students with work experience opportunities. One student even had the very rare opportunity to shadow a Judge.

In addition, Amanda has also set up a legal advice clinic at the school, to offer staff, parents/carers of students and the local residents free initial legal advice.

After the event, Amanda said: “It was an honour to be invited to speak at the alumni network launch night. My work with the school has been very rewarding. It’s wonderful to listen to the aspirations of the students. I hope I’ve given them some insight into the path I took to qualify as a lawyer. I hope sharing my experiences with the students helps them realise that they should never give up on their dreams.”

Amanda Mansbridge is a Senior Executive in our Family Law Department here at Sternberg Reed, specialising in helping those who are in need of family law advice. If you want to find out more and see how Amanda and Sternberg Reed could help you, click HERE

Or call us on 0208 591 3366

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