
London Legal Walk 17th June 2019
07-06-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

London Legal Walk 17th June 2019

On Monday 17th June 2019 Sternberg Reed will once again be taking part in the annual London Legal Walk, organised by the London Legal Support Trust. We will be taking part in the 10km walk around...
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Birth Injuries and Future Care Requirements
06-06-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Birth Injuries and Future Care Requirements

A recent article posted by BBC news highlights the difficulties some parents go through following injuries sustained by their child at birth. In this instance the family involved didn’t really...
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Romford Office Legal Clinic Closed 25th May 2019
21-05-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Romford Office Legal Clinic Closed 25th May 2019

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Romford office legal clinic will not be available this Saturday 25th May 2019. The Barking office will still be open from 9:00am until 1:00pm. Our Romford...
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Sternberg Reed Solicitor Becomes Deputy District Judge
22-03-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Sternberg Reed Solicitor Becomes Deputy District Judge

Sternberg Reed are delighted in announcing the appointment of Frances Anderson as a Deputy District Judge on the Midlands Circuit, by the Lord Chief Justice. Sternberg Reed now have a total of 4...
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Sternberg Reed’s Business Dispute Department “Hammers” home another victory for a local business
18-03-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Sternberg Reed’s Business Dispute Department “Hammers” home another victory for a local business

Sternberg Reed’s Business Dispute Resolution Department, achieve a great success for a small business owner in the Barking area. Sternberg Reed prides itself on supporting small businesses in...
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Sternberg Reed – Young People and Mental Health Units
11-03-2019 | Posted in: Mental Health

Sternberg Reed – Young People and Mental Health Units

Sky News published a study which detailed that 53% of young people detained in mental health units stayed for longer then 6 weeks. This figure is 48% in NHS units and rises to 57% in private...
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Children’s Mental Health Week
04-02-2019 | Posted in: Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health Week

Today marks the launch of Place 2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, running from the 4th to the 10th February. The theme for this year being based around. Schools up and down the country...
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Stalking – It’s not only celebrities who suffer!
31-01-2019 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Stalking – It’s not only celebrities who suffer!

Anyone can be a victim of stalking. Kylie Minogue is the latest high profile celebrity that has had to deal with a stalker repeatedly approaching her London home in a sustained campaign of harassment...
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Christmas and avoiding the Social Media Dog house…
20-12-2018 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Christmas and avoiding the Social Media Dog house…

Office Christmas parties are in full swing. For some, it is a new experience, for others, they’ve seen it all before. However, a lot of people are still making the same mistakes when it comes...
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Mental Health Act – Every 2 Minutes Police take a call
27-11-2018 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Mental Health Act – Every 2 Minutes Police take a call

Following a recent article in the Daily Telegraph, our Senior Associate and Head of Mental Health department Umar Kankiya explains his thoughts: Today the police watchdog published a...
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Glen’s Close Shave
31-10-2018 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Glen’s Close Shave

As you will have seen, for the year 2017-2018, our charity of the year was Mitchell Miracles. As a final hurrah, our Facilities and Quality Manager, Glen Thompson, decided to mark his leaving in...
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Sternberg Reed’s Charity of the Year 2018/19 is Hope for Barking Dagenham (H4BD)
30-08-2018 | Posted in: Uncategorised

Sternberg Reed’s Charity of the Year 2018/19 is Hope for Barking Dagenham (H4BD)

Sternberg Reed’s Charity of the Year 2018/19 is Hope for Barking Dagenham (H4BD). This incredible charity aims to provide all-year 7-day emergency temporary accommodation, for people sleeping rough...
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