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On Monday 17th June Sternberg Reed took part in the #LondonLegalWalk2019.


The #LondonLegalWalk2019, organised by the London Legal Support Trust, started its 10km route at the Law Society on Chancery Lane and offered a choice of two routes to take. Our team chose the parks route, which looped through St James’s Park, Green Park and Hyde Park. The finish line was back at the Law Society via the Strand.

The weather was exceedingly kind to us, meaning we could have an ice cream at the half way point in Hyde Park. At the end of the walk, a few drinks were had at a street party at the finish line.

Along with the celebrations, speeches were made by the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett and Christina Blacklaws, the President of the Law Society. Both thanked everyone involved and highlighted the important role Legal Advice Charities provide in the current Justice system.

If that wasn’t enough, there was an exhibition at the Law Society celebrating the contributions women have made in the legal profession over the last 100 years. The exhibition was provided by the First 100 Years project which supports the journey of women in law since 1919.

This year saw a record breaking 15,000 walkers take part in the event. Hopes are high that it would have raised more than any other year.


The London Legal Support Trust supports hundreds of organisations in London and the South East. Funds raised enables local Law Centres, Citizens Advice services and other advice agencies to provide vital free legal advice.

Cuts in civil legal aid and council grants have seen many high street legal aid firms and advice centres close. This means access to free legal advice is much harder to find. These agencies assist the most vulnerable people in society. This includes families facing homelessness, trafficked women and children and those with mental health problems. Keeping these agencies running is therefore a priority of the London Legal Support Trust.

The walk is expected to raise over £850,000 and beat last years amazing total of £830,000.

Many thanks to all those who have sponsored us. We have raised a total of £239.64 so far, which beat last years total of £209.47.

If you have not yet sponsored us and would still like to do so, our fundraising page is still open and can be accessed here

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