
Children’s Mental Health Week

Posted in: Mental Health
Children’s Mental Health Week

Today marks the launch of Place 2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, running from the 4th to the 10th February. The theme for this year being based around.

Schools up and down the country will be doing a lot to promote awareness of children’s mental health. This theme is the key message behind it. Being healthy on a physical level goes a long way to making a positive impact on a Person’s mental well-being.

I often, sadly, have to represent Children and Young People who are detained under the Mental Health Act. It’s great to see that they have a week which recognises and encourages ways in which they can keep healthy in both body and mind. Very often images that children and young people see online can have a huge impact on how they perceive themselves and can often lead to bullying both online and in and out of classrooms too.

Studies done by Place 2Be show that 1/3 of children get less then their recommended 9 hours of sleep. 

This in turn can help exacerbate any worries or fears that they have. Ensuring that young people have enough sleep will result in a better ability to deal with challenging situation.

Creating environments in which young people can speak safely and freely in will also go a long way to address any worries or fears they have. It can also have a bearing on being able to identify and assist if any crises were to occur regarding their mental health.

A lot more needs to be done to address issues that children and young people have. Especially regarding their physical and mental wellbeing. In supporting this week, I would encourage people to think more about this issue. Do what you can to be part of the solution!

#childrensmentalhealthawarenessweek #healthy #physical #mentalhealth #awareness

For more information on Place 2Be visit their site:

Umar Kankiya is Head of Mental Health Department here at Sternberg Reed, specialising in all aspects of the Mental Health Act. If you want to find out more and see how Umar and Sternberg Reed could help you, click HERE

Or call us on 0208 591 3366

This article does not constitute legal advice and you should contact us directly if you are facing a similar situation.


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