Mediation Legal Aid

We are able to provide free mediation services if you are on income support or earning a low wage.

Am I eligible for Legal Aid funding?

To qualify for Legal Aid we will need to review whether you meet the Legal Aid Agency’s Financial Criteria. Further details of this can be found here.

How do I claim for Legal Aid?

We will make the Legal Aid claim on your behalf when you come to see us. In order for us to do this, it is important that you provide us with proof of your income. This may include: –

  • Wage slips
  • If you are on benefits we will need to see a recent bank statement detailing your benefits or your original notification letter.
  • If you are on tax credits we will need your most recent tax credit award notice.
  • If you are self-employed we will need to see your tax return/financial accounts/recent bank statement.
  • We will need to see proof of any other income.

We will also need to see proof of your outgoings: –

  • Wage slips to show income tax and national insurance contributions.
  • If you are self-employed a tax calculation sheet SA302.
  • Housing costs e.g. rent book, mortgage statement.
  • Proof of any other outgoings e.g. child care costs and maintenance payments.

If you have capital then we will need to see: –

  • Bank statements
  • Share certificates
  • Premium bonds etc.

If you are unable to provide us with original documents at the time of your assessment meeting then we will not be able to progress the mediation process until these documents are provided.

If you have any questions about the proof we need then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Call our Family Mediation Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 for a free telephone consultation or request a call back through this website.