Family & Child Law Fees

We aim to provide affordable packages to all our clients. Legal Aid is still available for some services. To find out if you eligible please see our Family Legal Aid page.

We provide a variety of Fixed Fee options, which may be paid in instalments. Details of our standard fixed fees are provided below: –

Fixed Fee Family Law Packages

1hr meeting with letter of advice £100.00 plus VAT
1hr meeting with letter of advice and letter to opponent £200.00 plus VAT
Children Application £350.00 plus VAT
Divorce Petition only £200.00 plus VAT
First Statement in a children case £350.00 plus VAT
Fixed Fee Divorce (Petitioner) £595.00 plus VAT
Fixed Fee Divorce (Responder) £400.00 plus VAT
Parental responsibility Agreement £125.00 plus VAT
Protecting the family home if in your spouse’s sole name £195.00 plus VAT
Statement in support of Divorce £100.00 plus VAT


Directions Hearing (children’s case) £350 – £500 plus VAT
Contested Hearing (up to 1 day) £600 – £1,000 plus VAT
Additional Days £500 – £600 plus VAT

In some cases paying for our services on an agreed hourly rate may be the most suitable way of funding your case. We will provide you with an estimate of the likely costs at the outset and update you regularly throughout the progress of the case. Our hourly rates range from £80 to £300 per hour depending on the type of work undertaken and level of lawyer required.

Funding Assistance

In family cases it will often be the case that the client can expect a substantial financial settlement, most commonly from the sale of the family home. Clients may find it difficult to provide sufficient funds to cover the costs of the case before settlement is received.

In order to assist clients in funding their cases, whether in relation to financial or children’s issues, we have an arrangement with a company called Novitas, who will provide to us sufficient funds to finance your case on the basis that Novitas are repaid from the financial settlement any funds advanced together with any interest and fees charged by Novitas.

Further details can be found at: