Child Protection Plans

If after a Child Protection Conference the professionals decide that the child in question is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, a Child Protection Plan will be put in place.

A Child Protection Plan is a working tool to enable both the family and professionals to understand what is expected of them in relation to the welfare and safety of the child. In short, the conference decides what protection plan is needed to keep the children safe and how everyone will work together to ensure this happens. Usually education, health services and the police participate in the conferences and planning process.

If you need legal advice in respect of this we can help. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Law Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice. Legal Aid is available for this.

Review of Child Protection Plans

If a Protection Plan is made, regular meetings will be held called ‘core groups’ to consider the plan and how everyone is working. There will be a review conference three months after the initial conference, where the Protection Plan is looked at and decisions are reached as to whether or not the plan needs to continue. If it does continue, it will be reviewed again on a six-monthly basis. A child could also be supported by a Local Authority if regarded as a child in need.

If you need legal advice in respect of this we can help. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Law Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice. Legal Aid is available for this.

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