Family Mediation

Family Mediation is a quick and effective way of resolving disputes which arise from relationship breakdown.  With the help of a qualified specialist mediators clients can achieve agreement on all issues in dispute.

Mediation can deal with issues relating to children including for example contact with children, residence and relocation.  Mediation can also be used to resolve financial issues relating to relationship breakdown including maintenance for children and/or former partner, property disputes and pensions.

Family Mediation can be used whether you were married, in a civil partnership or cohabiting.

Our Family Mediation Service

After contacting our service you will be offered a one to one initial assessment meeting.  Once your case has been assessed as being suitable for mediation, sessions are normally conducted with both clients present in the room. Occasionally mediation takes place with clients in separate rooms and this is something we would discuss with you at your assessment meeting. The sessions are structured to allow clients to be able to communicate effectively and negotiate an outcome which is satisfactory to both clients.

At the end of the process documents can be drafted by us reflecting the agreement reached and summarising your financial position if appropriate.  These agreements can then form the basis of a court order.

Our Family Mediators are trained and accredited by the Family Mediators Association and/or Resolution and are skilled at assisting clients communicate effectively to resolve all issues in dispute. Generally matters discussed in mediation are confidential which allow clients to discuss issues freely and openly.

How much does Family Mediation Cost?

Mediation is a cost effective alternative to court proceedings. Legal Aid is available for those on a low wage.  For further details and to find out if you qualify for Legal Aid please see our Free Family Mediation via Legal Aid page.

If you do not qualify for Legal Aid we are still able to provide fixed fee Family Mediation services at competitive rates. For further details of our charges please see our Fees and Funding page.

Starting Family Mediation

Our specialist Family Mediation Solicitors are able to offer fast initial assessment meetings and prompt mediation sessions following the initial assessment meetings. We are able to see clients at any of our offices including Romford, Grays and Barking and offer out of hours appointments for private clients.

Call our Family Mediation Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 for a free telephone consultation or request a call back through this website.

Why choose Sternberg Reed?

Free Initial Advice
Legal Aid Available
Quick Reponses
Specialist Solicitors
Friendly Service
Proven Track Record
0208 591 3366
Charged at local rates

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Our offices

Solicitors in Stratford

Burrell House
44 Broadway
E15 1XH

0208 591 3366
Solicitors in Romford

102-106 South Street
(Entrance in Havana Close)

01708 766155
Solicitors in Grays

The Old Courthouse
Orsett Road
RM17 5DD

01375 486500
Solicitors in Barking

Focal House
12-18 Station Parade
IG11 8DN

0208 591 3366
Saturday Legal Clinic

Saturday Legal Clinic

Our Saturday Legal Clinic is open every Saturday from 9am to 1pm at our Romford and Barking offices. As Solicitors in Romford and Barking we want to ensure every potential client has the opportunity to have a free 15 minute consultation with a lawyer.

More Information
Clinical Negligence
Conveyancing Quality
Criminal Litigation
Family Law
Family Mediation
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