International Child Abduction Solicitors

Child abduction occurs when a child is unlawfully removed to another country without the permission of one of their parents. If your child has been abducted or if you have cause to believe that this may happen, time is of the essence.

We are able to act quickly to help you resolve this situation. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Abduction Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice.

What should I do if my Child has been abducted?

Firstly, you must report this to the police. Next you must get urgent legal representation. We can provide you with this. In cases where there is a suspected abduction of a child over the weekend or holiday period, there is a Judge who can be contacted in respect of such abductions to make Port Alerts.

In cases involving abduction, the Tipstaff of the High Court, are typically instructed to carry out searches of properties, liaison with Local Police Borough Commanders and to serve individuals with copies of Orders requiring them to attend Court to give evidence as to the child’s whereabouts.

Securing the return of a child

Child Abduction is a complex area of law and involves both the Central Authority for Child Abduction in the UK and the Central Authority in the Country to which the child was abducted liaising with one another to execute the safe return of the child.

Difficulties emerge where the Country to which the child has been removed is not a signatory to the Hague Convention. We can assist you in both cases.

An application needs to be made to the High Court as a matter of urgency for temporary remedies to ensure the welfare and well-being and safe return of the child.

Where a Country is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, such as Pakistan, those Countries tend to have their own agreements (Pakistan Agreement) in respect of the return of the child.

If you need advice about child abduction please contact us urgently. We are able to act quickly to help you resolve this situation. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Abduction Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice.

Unlawful Removal

In order to secure the return of a child following their unlawful or wrongful removal, it needs to be established that the removal of the child was wrongful or unlawful because the other parent’s or carers’ custody or access rights were infringed.

If you need advice about unlawful abduction please contact us urgently. We are able to act quickly to help you resolve this situation. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Abduction Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice.

Child Abduction Defences

If the parent who has removed the child can demonstrate that there is a grave risk of physical or psychological harm to the child, were the child to be returned to the UK, this can be a justification for the child to not be returned. This needs to be demonstrated to a high degree.

If the child is of sufficient age and understanding to make up his/her own mind as to whether they wish to return their views will be taken into account.

The key factor is time is of the essence and if there is any cause to believe that a child has been unlawfully removed out of the jurisdiction, the police should immediately be notified and legal advice should be sought at the earliest opportunity.

We are able to act quickly in these cases. We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Legal Aid may be available in some cases.

Call our specialist Child Abduction Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice.

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Francesca Clay
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