Child Custody Solicitors

We are here to help separated parents or anyone who is in a dispute over where a child should live, to reach an agreement as quickly as possible and preferably without the need to issue Court proceedings. If matters cannot be resolved either by way of negotiation or mediation then it may be necessary for you to make an application to Court for a Child Arrangements Order.  We can provide you with expert advice and support throughout the whole of this process.

We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Custody Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice about your specific child custody issue.

What is a Child Arrangements Order?

A child arrangements order deals will all arrangements relating to children, such as where they will live.  If a Child Arrangements Order is made stating the child should live with you, Parental Responsibility is conferred to you for the duration of the order.  A Child Arrangements Order normally lasts until a child’s eighteenth birthday, unless it is discharged beforehand.  It can only be discharged by a further Court Order being made.

Who can apply for a Child Arrangements Order?

  • A parent/Guardian of the child;
  • Any person with parental responsibility for the child;
  • Any person with whom the child has lived for at least three of the last five years;
  • Any person with leave (permission) of the Court (i.e. another family member or friend).

What will the Court consider when looking at the application?

When issuing a Child Arrangements Order, the Court will keep the welfare of the child as its primary concern and will consider: –

  • The ascertainable wishes & feelings of the child concerned (considered in the light of his age and understanding)
  • The child’s physical, emotional and educational needs
  • The likely effect on the child of any change in circumstances
  • The child’s age, sex, background and any characteristics which the court considers relevant
  • Any harm which the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering
  • How capable the child’s parents, and any other person in relation to the case, are of meeting his needs

The Court is likely to require assistance in gathering such information and may request the assistance of a CAFCASS Officer from The Children and Family Courts Advisory and Support Service, to undertake an assessment of the people involved in the application and to file a report for the Court making recommendations on the appropriate outcome for the child.

Our Child Custody Service

We provide free initial telephone consultations for all our clients. Call our specialist Child Custody Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice about your specific child custody issue.

If you have suffered from domestic violence or if your child is at risk of abuse then we may be able to apply for Legal Aid to meet the costs of your legal fees.

If you are on a low income and but the above mentioned eligibility criteria, you may wish to consider using Mediation to resolve your child arrangement issues as Legal Aid remains in place for this service. For further information please see our Family Mediation pages.

If you are not eligible for Legal Aid, we have a range of fee options available and would be happy to discuss these during your initial telephone consultation.

Call our specialist Child Custody Solicitors now on 0844 800 9860 or contact us online for advice about your specific child custody issue.

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01708 766155
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The Old Courthouse
Orsett Road
RM17 5DD

01375 486500
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Focal House
12-18 Station Parade
IG11 8DN

0208 591 3366
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