Murder and Homicide Solicitors


Our murder and homicide solicitors defence team have been instructed by clients in several hundred murder and homicide investigations and cases during the last 45 years. Many of these matters have attracted considerable national media attention and required very skilled and sensitive case handling.


We believe that representing any client accused of any type of murder or homicide allegation requires very significant senior lawyer experience and specialist case preparation skills being deployed immediately into a specially formed defence team from the outset of your instruction of this firm.


We have vast and wide ranging experience of instructing the right defence experts and advocates to compliment and complete your defence team so that we can provide you with the most effective overall representation against the prosecution case assembled against you.


Our criminal defence team have an almost unrivalled track record of success within this complex area of law.


We have significant and considerable specialist defence experience in representing clients alleged to be involved in:


  • Conspiracies to murder, including contract killing; organised crime and gangland killings.
  • Serial murders.
  • Multiple murders arising out of the same incident.
  • Familial and domestic murders.
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) and Infanticide Deaths.
  • Mercy killings and suicide pacts.
  • Murders involving weapons such as knife, gun, axes etc.
  • Murders where cause of death involves for instance, strangulation, poison or fire.
  • Joint enterprise murder cases.
  • Homicide cases involving medical and/or other causational complex issues.
  • Complete and partial murder defence cases involving self defence; diminished responsibility and loss of control (provocation).
  • Manslaughter allegations including medical and other gross negligence manslaughter allegations.
  • Cases where death resulted from the unlawful supply of drugs or other substances.
  • Death by dangerous or careless driving.
  • Bail applications.
  • Sentencing advice and case appeal reviews and advice.


Set out below are just a handful of the several hundred murder and homicide cases and investigations that our criminal defence team have been instructed in:


R –v- CI – Central Criminal Court – Serial killings of 5 gay men.



R –v- SC – Chelmsford Crown Court – The largest ever Essex Police investigation into the murder of Danielle Jones.



R –v- PR – Central Criminal Court – Our client was alleged to have been a Contract killer hit man who assassinated the deceased with a rifle shot from a            window.  We secured a complete acquittal to the murder charge our client faced.


R –v- DD – Central Criminal Court – This was an allegation of conspiracy to murder involving a gangland revenge murder of a Nightclub doorman.


R –v- F – Central Criminal Court – Matricide murder with complex issues of medical causation.  The client pleaded guilty to manslaughter and received a 2 year Probation Order.


If you are facing questioning by the police, you should call our Criminal Solicitors immediately on our 24/7 number: 01708 766155


Murder and Homicide Solicitors